The Mega Camp fire that began when allu arjun visited Nandhyal in May is still raging. Every problem normally has a lifespan, but this one appears to go on forever. The fire is occasionally being fueled by someone or something. At the pushpa 2 chennai event the other day, the newest fuel was a Placard. The message on the sign is derogatory to Pawan Kalyan. Some Mega fans are quite offended and believe allu arjun occasionally provokes them. Following the recent elections, Pawan Kalyan's political victory has left megafans on an unfathomable high.

From the recent triumph of the maharashtra campaign to the 100% strike rate, pawan kalyan is continuously elevating these people's political status. They cannot tolerate criticism, especially from someone who has developed with the family's help. They are publicly announcing that they will not be attending pushpa 2 in cinemas. They are quite outspoken and work to persuade other members of the same community and fandom to follow suit.
There are debates over the potential impact of this boycott as the release date approaches. Although no one can truly calculate the number, it is undeniably a sizable one. Given the popularity of the fandom, it is anticipated to be substantial. Will the boycott call have an effect? pushpa 2 is an enormous undertaking. Following the first part's popularity in hindi, it has grown significantly. Should sukumar meet up to the expectations, the boycott demand might not have any noticeable effect.
The film in andhra pradesh and telangana may be affected by the boycott demand if the discussion is unsatisfactory. How far? Again, that cannot be measured at this time. The talk will have an inverse relationship with that. Additionally, telugu and hindi may yield different results from the first section. However, this anti-boycott pushpa 2 segment will only be disappointed if the film lives up to the anticipation that allu arjun just generated.


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