The work on ram Charan's upcoming sports drama, now known as #RC16, has officially begun. ram Charan joined the sets in mysore today after the regular filming has begun last week. The movie, which was directed by Buchi Babu Sana, is now being made. ram Charan has bulked up his body and maintained his beard for this part.
In a recent social media post, Buchi Babu sana said, "Global Star ram Charan gets a solid makeover by Aalim Hakim Ji." Extremely thrilled! We get a peek of ram Charan's fashionable metamorphosis in the picture. Renowned hairdresser Aalim Hakim, who is well-known for his daring hairstyles, stands boldly in the middle, his arms folded.

Director Buchi Babu Sana, on his left, appears intent and enthusiastic about the procedure. ram Charan is seated and partially visible from behind, giving away his new appearance. It's encouraging to see a well-known actor like ram Charan allowing a relatively up-and-coming filmmaker like Buchi Babu Sana, who has only made one film, to have more freedom. 

These days, Tier 1 stars do not appreciate or allow directors much latitude in public, unless they are like SS Rajamouli, Prashanth Neel, or sandeep Reddy Vanga. The celebrities do not regard other directors as much as these do. This was recently demonstrated with koratala siva during Devara, when ntr fully assumed control, and the movie mirrored this as well.

However, even though Buchi Babu sana is a very small director, he has been tasked with providing updates on the movie and making important decisions. ram Charan is leading by example by treating all directors with dignity and accountability, regardless of their size.

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