Pushpa 2's single "Kissik," which was released yesterday, is smashing YouTube records. In barely 12 hours, it eclipsed the guntur Kaaram song "Dum Masala" in terms of 24-hour views. This made "Kissik" the telugu lyrical song with the most views on YouTube. The GOAT's "Whistle Podu" was surpassed by "Kissik" in just eighteen hours, making it the most watched South indian lyrical music ever. It had the greatest views of any South indian song at 25 million, and within 24 hours, it had around 500K likes and 27 million views.
 With over 9 million views in a single day, the hindi version of the song has also gained popularity. When the song was initially heard, it received a lot of criticism for falling short of the standards set by pushpa Part 1's item number "Oo Antava." However, the quantity of views conveys a different message. With reels and clips spreading on social media, the song is gaining popularity after many hearings and is predicted to gain traction in the coming days. It has a distinct atmosphere, and the line "Debbalu Padathayi" is really appealing.
Pushpa 2 will go viral if it receives a lot of favorable word-of-mouth when it comes out on december 5. Nobody knows where this song will go, where it will end, or how it will affect its popularity. Since we don't yet know what type of monster will appear on december 5, it is too soon to rate the song.

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