Each nation uses its own currency for domestic exchange. Converting your money into the local currency is crucial for ease while going from one nation to another. The US dollar, which is the main benchmark for international currency exchange rates, is used to compare the value of most other currencies.
The issue now becomes: how much is the Pakistani Rupee worth about the indian Rupee?

One US dollar is now worth around 83.75 indian Rupees. On the other hand, one indian rupee is equivalent to 3.33 Pakistani rupees. This indicates that you would receive around 3,33,364.62 Pakistani Rupees for every 100,000 indian Rupees.

However, one lakh Pakistani Rupees would only be worth around 30,024.20 indian Rupees if someone brought them to India.
Particularly after political upheavals and the nation's ongoing economic difficulties, the value of the Pakistani Rupee has been gradually declining in recent years. As a result, the value of the Pakistani Rupee has significantly declined on the global market.
At the same time, the indian Rupee is also not stable as even Afghanistan's currency ranks higher in value than India's currency. indian rupee value is just falling down and the politicians are just keeping the blame game.

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