Dhaval Thakur, the brother of Mrunal Thakur, debuted on OTT with the web series Thukra Ke Mera Pyar. Set in Uttar Pradesh, the plot centers on an affluent girl named Shanvika (played by Sanchita Bashu) and a poor lad named kuldeep (played by Dhaval). The show focuses on caste and class issues while following the typical plot of a rich girl falling in love with a poor lad. 

The program lacks originality and is predictable. It doesn't give anything fresh on caste issues in india and feels a lot like bollywood love stories. The tale is predictable and the emotional scenes are repeated. Shanvika's character, which was powerful at first, weakens later in the series, and the character development is poor. But the performances are particularly noteworthy. Dhaval Thakur performs admirably as kuldeep, while Sanchita Bashu portrays Shanvika with skill.

He has promise and has strong emotional moments. Viewership figures are not very encouraging, and the series has garnered negative reviews. If Dhaval Thakur wishes to be successful in the field, he must select better ventures. Before she achieved success, Mrunal also had setbacks, but not everyone is given the same opportunities.

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