shiv sena leader Uday Samant said on wednesday that only the chief minister and two Deputy Chief Ministers will take oath in the swearing-in ceremony to be held at azad Maidan in mumbai on december 5. Samant said that a decision regarding the cabinet and departments will be taken later. shiv sena workers, MLAs and MPs want that Maharashtra's acting chief minister Eknath Shinde should be made Deputy Chief Minister. He indicated that Shinde is probably not keen on this post.

Fadnavis was unanimously elected leader of the maharashtra BJP Legislative party on wednesday, paving the way for him to take oath as chief minister for the third time. The swearing-in ceremony will be held on thursday at azad Maidan in South mumbai and prime minister Narendra Modi and many Chief Ministers of the national democratic alliance will be present in it.

1 chief minister and 2 Deputy Chief Ministers will take oath in Maharashtra

Addressing the media, Samant said, "According to the information I have now, the chief minister and two Deputy Chief Ministers will take oath. The next decision (on cabinet formation and allocation of departments) will be taken by the three leaders (Fadnavis, Shinde and ncp chief Ajit Pawar). He said, "The three leaders will meet before going to the governor (to stake claim to form government in the state). They will talk to prime minister Narendra Modi, Union home minister amit shah and then take a decision."

Shinde government should lead us - Samant

He said, "More than what Eknath Shinde wants, we, around 60-61 MLAs, want him to lead us in the Shinde government. This is our firm stand. There is no doubt about it. Shinde should become the deputy chief minister and this is the wish of Shiv Sainiks, MLAs and MPs." These comments of Samant indicate that perhaps Shinde is not keen to join the government. He further said that it has been decided that there will be two Deputy Chief Ministers. We have the right to put our point before our leader. Our stand is for the betterment of Maharashtra." He will tour the state as shiv sena chief but the party wants him (Shinde) to become deputy chief minister and be part of the administration.

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