As per report External Affairs minister S jaishankar on thursday addressed the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza during the Question Hour in the Rajya Sabha, defending India’s defence cooperation with israel by saying the latter had stood by New delhi during security threats and both sides have a strong record of cooperation in the area of national security.

Perhaps jaishankar said India’s decision to pursue defence cooperation with israel is based on national security interests. “As far as israel is concerned, it is a country with which we have a strong record of cooperation in national security. It is also a country which has stood by us and different moments when our national security was under threat. When we take any decision, we will bear in mind the larger circumstances but we will be guided by our national security interests". jaishankar also weighed in on the current war between israel and Hamas in Gaza, reiterating India’s support for a two-state solution to the Palestinian issue and asserting that issues of terrorism and hostage-taking cannot be underplayed or ignored.

He said On india abstaining from some UN resolutions on Gaza, the minister said the resolutions which do not reflect the entire reality of the situation are not balanced. “A country like india, which is itself a victim of terrorism, if we countenance the fact that terrorism is underplayed and ignored, it is not in our interests that we do so. We look at any resolution, we look at the wording and take a mature view”.

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