Over the past few years, hyderabad has seen a significant increase in the culture of dining out. people are increasingly choosing to purchase food online or eat out, gradually disregarding home-cooked meals. However, reports indicate that the food served outside is not as hygienic as it should be. Hyderabadis are eating out or ordering food online seven times a month, according to the National Restaurant Association of India's (NRAI) 2024 india Food services Report (IFSR). It falls barely short of the eight-point national average.

The survey claims that individuals are abandoning home cooking for get-togethers with friends and family, birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, and national holidays in order to explore new restaurants and when they go to the movies or other entertainment venues. The majority of individuals frequent both informal and fancy eating establishments. people are choosing to consume and experiment with different cuisines, such as Chinese, American, Italian, and Mexican, in addition to the traditional North indian and South indian fare.

Hyderabad is said to have about 74,000 restaurants, including both organized and disorganized ones. Forty percent of the more than 40,000 organized eateries are cloud kitchens. With an estimated value of Rs. 10,161 crore, hyderabad has the fifth-largest organized food services sector in India. This demonstrates how quickly Hyderabad's food business is expanding. But the growing popularity of eating out has sparked worries about food safety and cleanliness. Regular restaurant dining can result in a number of health problems, according to medical professionals. According to them, a lot of restaurant food has a lot of calories, which raises the chance of developing obesity over time.

Experts advise Hyderabadi eateries to uphold higher safety and hygienic standards, which are essential for safeguarding patrons' health. Even some well-known eateries don't fulfill hygienic standards, according to recent inspections. people think that in order to guarantee that restaurants follow appropriate food safety and sanitary procedures, the government ought to impose tougher measures on these kinds of businesses. This would incentivize restaurants to prioritize public health and exercise greater caution.

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