Since 2019, attacks on indian students studying abroad have increased. Twenty people have died as a result of this, with 80% of the occurrences occurring in the US and Canada. These sobering figures were recently presented to the rajya sabha by the Ministry of External Affairs. Over the past five years, assaults have claimed the lives of nine indian students in canada and seven in the US.
However, other nations have also reported comparable incidents, thus these are not limited to just two locations. russia was the country with the most attacks on indian students overall—14—but none of them resulted in any deaths. Concerns for the community have been raised by incidents of violence against indian students in Ireland, Iran, China, Italy, Australia, and Kyrgyzstan. In the larger context, Canada's statistics are even more startling because, in addition to the nine assaults, it reported 163 indian student deaths.
Racism and violence against the indian population overseas are frequent occurrences. All nations should have appropriate safety procedures and support networks, but canada, which is home to 1.3 million indian students, should have the most. watch out this space for more updates in this regard.


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