This is particularly true for employees of private businesses. The majority of workers in private companies really have many bank accounts. This occurs as a result of the new employer opening your pay account with their affiliated bank when you change jobs. Some wind up opening accounts with two, four, or even five banks in this manner.
A social media article that recently went viral said that having several bank accounts might result in penalties. Former RBI governor Shaktikanta Das is cited in this assertion, which states that the RBI has released new guidelines that impose severe penalties for maintaining two bank accounts. Let's now investigate the veracity of this assertion.
The number of bank accounts that a person can own is unrestricted in India. Stated differently, an individual in india is free to create as many bank accounts as they want or choose. The RBI has not imposed any restrictions on this. You will need to pay more attention to managing your bank accounts, though, the more you have. This implies that you must keep a specific balance in each of them. Failing to do so may result in a lower CIBIL score.