Following several hours of intense drama, allu arjun was released on bail and eventually returned home. But the more important issue still stands: why did the administration of telangana chief minister revanth reddy go so far as to arrest allu arjun in a stampede case? The public is now speculating about this. Allu Arjun's speech during the pushpa 2 victory meet is the source of one widely held notion. He was reminded from the platform after he forgot the name of the telangana chief minister during the function.

After this, ktr made an appearance on television and made fun of revanth reddy, saying that even heroes who benefited from his price increases couldn't recall his name. revanth reddy was also charged by ktr with transporting money bags to Delhi. According to public opinion, revanth reddy was insulted by the occurrence and is still angry with the movie business since he thinks many prominent actors still choose KTR.

Many people think the chief minister was prompted to act by this and the stampede case. Public opinion generally views this as a combination of timing, political competition, and ego, however the precise causes are still unknown. The story that revanth reddy acted out of rage is now commonly believed, regardless of the more nuanced reality.


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