Both telugu states were caught off guard by Allu Arjun's arrest, and for hours he was in the news constantly. Actually, until he returns home, he will continue to make headlines and be the subject of stories on all media outlets. It was recently reported that the movie is aiming for the 2025 Oscars. movie MAKERS' target='_blank' title='mythri movie makers-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>mythri movie makers intends to enter the movie in the Best international Feature Film category of the 97th Academy Awards.
In order to attract Academy members and critics and create a lot of buzz before to the Oscars, the producers are looking for massive influencer marketing, press appearances, and special screenings in major American cities including Boston, New York, and Los Angeles. However, any grandiose oscar preparations will now be abandoned due to this arrest in Hungary.
Additionally, allu arjun was preparing for a global tour. Due to recent legal events, the scheduled 10-city tour may never take place. An actor who is arrested will be severely impacted by this arrest, but it's not like the Oscars won't accept a film about him. allu arjun definitely has to take a back seat right now and it's better if he goes on a family vacation to abroad with his family members.

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