After Fahadh Faasil's brief cameo in Pushpa's first installment, fans hoped he would be given more screen time in the sequel. However, Fahadh Faasil was not given the opportunity to showcase his variety as an actor, even though he had a lengthy part in pushpa 2. In order to highlight Allu Arjun's bravery, Fahadh's persona has been reduced to that of a joker. Fans are upset about this and believe Fahadh shouldn't perform any more films of this nature.
However, this is not the first time a well-known actor has experienced this. This year, in fact, this has all but become a trend. sanjay dutt played a cartoonish villain in Double iSmart, which was a poor usage of him. With Kanguva, bobby deol let fans down even after Animal's strong smash. Both the writing and the character development were subpar. He continued to yell and screech so loudly that the audience members had headaches.
A lot of mocking has also resulted from wasting such talented performers in such trite parts. Except for pushpa 2, where the buzz has saved it, the use of sanjay dutt, bobby deol, and Fahadh Faasil as stock villains has had an extremely detrimental impact on these films. FaFa, Dutt, and bobby deol were the most mocked villains in addition to being the most misused.

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