On january 20, 2025, donald trump, the president-elect, will assume office. Already, his administration has stepped up its efforts to impose more stringent immigration laws.
Almost 18,000 illegal indians are among the 1.45 million people who might be deported from the united states, according to statistics made public by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
"Deportation of undocumented immigrants is central to Trump's border security agenda," stated ICE.
According to ICE statistics released in november 2024, the agency's non-detained docket has 17,940 Indians. This covers those who are awaiting deportation but are not in ICE custody and have final orders of removal. Some undocumented indians have been waiting up to three years for their cases to be heard, and many have become mired in a convoluted and drawn-out legal procedure.
Trump had already said on december 11 that he would terminate the birthright citizenship program, which grants citizenship to anyone born in the United States. Approximately 4.8 million Indian-Americans in the US would be impacted if this were to be put into effect.
After donald trump repealed the birthright citizenship provision, 1.6 million of the 4.8 million Indian-Americans who were born in the united states would no longer be able to prove their citizenship. Pew Research published these numbers.
For the millions of indians living in the US, the proposal to eliminate birthright citizenship may have serious repercussions.