India has made 3 missiles of the type America failed to make...
Dreams often come true only for those who keep trying to fulfill them. America, which is considered a symbol of power in the world, is also struggling to make hypersonic missiles today. But india, which was once considered lagging behind in the world race in technical capability, is today challenging the whole world by making 3 super missiles.
Hypersonic missile under Project Dhwani
The country which was lagging behind in technical capability is today counted in the world's leading list. The credit for this goes to the passion of indian scientists and the hard work of Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). DRDO scientists have made such hypersonic weapons under Project Dhwani, which are now impossible to stop.
Hypersonic missiles are faster than the speed of sound
Actually, hypersonic missiles are those weapons that attack their target by flying five times faster than the speed of sound i.e. at a speed of 6,200 per hour. Due to their high speed and low altitude flying feature, these hypersonic missiles become very dangerous, which no radar can catch. This hypersonic technology of DRDO is completely indigenous. Hypersonic missile is launched through rocket engine and flies in the atmosphere at a speed of 6 to 7 Mach. At the same time, it is capable of carrying payload in a range of more than 1,500 kilometers.
Hypersonic missile is very useful for all three armies of India
With the feature of flying 5 times faster than the speed of sound, not being caught by any radar, this hypersonic missile is very useful for all three armies of india (Army, Navy and air Force). In this missile, a scramjet engine is used, which maintains the speed of the missile during flight. India's Brahmos-2 is a perfect example of this hypersonic technology. Let us tell you that DRDO is currently working on three different designs.