Soon, naga chaitanya will start filming NC 24, which is helmed by Virupaksha star karthik Varma Dandu. Since its announcement on Chay's birthday last month, the movie has received a good bit of attention. It appears that the producers of naga Chaitanya's 24th movie have chosen to cast Sreeleela as the lead against "Yuva Samrat."
Karthik Varma Dandu and naga chaitanya will collaborate on a thriller that promises plenty of chills and thrills. Times Now claims that because Sreeleela and Chay have never been together on screen before, the producers want them to romance in the movie. According to the source, pooja hegde was also considered for the role, but the producers opted against casting her because of her prior collaboration with naga chaitanya in the poorly received film Oka laila Kosam.
Although Meenakshi Chaudhary was also considered for the role, the producers chose not to contact her. It is anticipated that the team will shortly make a formal statement on Sreeleela's casting. with 2019, Sreeleela made her movie debut with the kannada film Kiss, which became a commercial success. After that, he starred in movies like ravi Teja's Dhamaka, Skanda, and Adikeshava. Sreeleela's performance in the Balakrishna-starring Bhagavanth Kesari, which went well at the box office, earned her great praise.

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