At the Dhaba, Sanjay Verma passed away unexpectedly. CCTV footage showed that after eating half of a roti, Sanjay Verma passed out while seated on a chair. Sanjay Verma, a 50-year-old commission agent, passed away unexpectedly after dining at Bhagwati Dhaba in the Sikandra neighborhood of Agra. Sanjay Verma fell on the chair after eating half a roti, according to the CCTV footage. The police were notified after the Dhaba employee told the operator about the event.

He was taken by the police to SN Medical College, where medical professionals pronounced him dead. The corpse has been submitted for a post-mortem; the results are pending. According to preliminary investigations, the cause of death was a heart attack.

A tweet roughly reads, "50 year old Sanjay Kushwaha who had come to eat at Bhagwati Dhaba in Agra, UP, had a heart attack when he could eat only half a roti. He died within 2 seconds. This heart-rending incident happened while he was eating roti and paneer ki sabji. Doctors are saying it was a heart attack. police has sent the body for post-mortem."

One of the users commented, "At least 20 incidents have happened around us continuously and such incidents are being reported all over the country and as it is being said about the vaccine that people who have been vaccinated are getting more attacks, this is also a matter of investigation whether something wrong has happened due to this vaccine."

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