Sincere and devoted worship of Lord Hanuman has the power to significantly alter a person's life. A devotee can overcome challenges, succeed, develop strength and knowledge, and experience excellent health by calling upon his blessings. One effective method to ask for Bajrang Bali's blessings and protection is to recite his mantra. Chanting mantras by your zodiac sign, however, might enhance the advantages and produce favorable outcomes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hanumate Rudrathakaya Hum Phat
Mantra for success in education: Om Mahabalay vidya Pradaya Hanumate Namah
Mantra to remove obstacles in marriage: Om Pavitraatmane Shri Hanumate Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumanaya Kalevar Sudharaya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times wearing red colored clothes on tuesday or Saturday.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hanumate Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om maruti Srihanumate vidya Daya Namah
Mantra for success in marriage: Om Kapishvaraya Hanumate Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumanaya Kashth Nivaranay Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra every morning wearing yellow clothes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hram Hanumate Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Rudravataray Gyandaya Namah
Mantra for success in marriage: Om Anjanisutaya Mangalaya Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumate Sarvarog Nivaranaya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times every wednesday morning wearing green clothes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Ramdutaya Hanumate Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Hanumate Buddhi Bal Pradaya Namah
Mantra to remove obstacles in marriage: Om Hanumate Prakataaya Saphalay Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumanaya Anjanigarbhaya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra on monday wearing white clothes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Pavan Sutaya Hanumate Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Hanumate Gyan Vriddhikaraya Namah
Mantra for success in marriage: Om Hanumate Sarvasiddhipradaya Namah
Mantra for good health: Om ram Bhaktaya Sarvarog Haraya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times on sunday and offer coconut at the feet of Lord Hanuman.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Shri Hanumate Karz Nashaay Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Shri Hanumate vidya Pradaya Namah
Mantra to remove obstacles in marriage: Om Ramdutaya Hanumate Safal Vivaahay Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumanaya Arogya Pradaya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times on wednesday wearing yellow clothes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hanumate Balveeraay Karz Haraya Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Pavan Sutaay vidya Praptaye Namah
Mantra for success in marriage: Om Rampriyaay Hanumate Mangalaya Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumate Sarvakashta Nivaranaay Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times on friday and offer rose flowers at the feet of Lord Hanuman.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hanumate Kasht Nivaranaya Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Marutaatmajaya Buddhi Pradaya Namah
Mantra for success in marriage: Om Anjanisutaya Vivaah Siddhaya Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumanaya Rog Haraya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times on tuesday wearing red clothes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hanumate Karj Muktaye Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Mahabalaya vidya Praptaye Namah
Mantra for success in marriage: Om Shriramdutaay Hanumate Namah
Mantra for health improvement: Om Pavan Sutaay Arogya Pradaay Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times on thursday wearing yellow clothes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hanumate Karj Nivaranaya Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Pavankumaraya vidya Praptaye Namah
Mantra to remove obstacles in marriage: Om Hanumate Vivaah Siddhaye Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumate Sarvarog Nashaaye Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times on saturday and offer mustard oil at the feet of Lord Hanuman.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Ramdutaya Karz Haraya Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Hanumate Buddhi Bal Pradaya Namah
Mantra to remove obstacles in marriage: Om Anjanisutaya Vivaah Siddhaye Namah
Mantra for good health: Om Hanumate Sarvakashta Nivaranaya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra 108 times on saturday wearing blue clothes.


Mantra to get rid of debt: Om Hanumate Karz Nashaay Namah
Mantra for success in education: Om Rambhaktaya vidya Pradaya Namah
Mantra for success in marriage: Om Hanumate Mangal Pradaya Namah
Mantra for health improvement: "Om Hanumate Kalevar Sudharaya Namah

How to chant: Chant the mantra on thursday wearing white clothes.

Disclaimer: This content is based only on information and beliefs. Always seek advice from an expert in the field.

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