According to research, olive oil is good for sexual activity in addition to being healthier. According to a study from greece University, a person's impotence can be decreased by up to 40% if they eat nine spoonfuls of olive oil every week. We are all aware of the health benefits of olive oil. Olive oil consumption enhances the body's blood circulation, which has an impact on sexual function.
Participants in the study ranged in age from 60 to 67. In any case, sexual life begins to wane between the ages of 60 and 67, but among the 660 participants in the study, those who ate olive oil had better sexual lives. In addition to olive oil, the participants in the study consumed fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and dry fruits. Men's testosterone hormone production is enhanced when olive oil is used. Olive oil usage enhances blood circulation. The use of olive oil also helps males with erectile dysfunction symptoms.
The study' lead, Dr. Christina Chrysohou, claims that middle-aged people's sex power is significantly influenced by their diet and level of activity. Men who eat more fruits, vegetables, and olive oil are 40 percent less likely to experience impotence in middle life.
Christina claims that the effects of sexual performance-enhancing medications, such as Viagra, are short-lived. However, the health effects of such medications are quite detrimental. A good remedy for this issue is olive oil.