Mona Alam addressed the issue on X (formerly Twitter) by sharing a screenshot of the fake video and denouncing the claims. She stated, "This woman's objectionable video is being spread by petty haters on social media, claiming it's me." Mona clarified that the woman featured in the video is a known criminal and provided proof by sharing a genuine screenshot of the individual.
Filing a Complaint Against Cyber Harassment
Mona Alam formally complained to the Additional director of the Federal Investigation Agency's (FIA) Cyber Crime division in Islamabad to refute the unfounded accusations. She sent links to whatsapp communications and social media posts where the phony film had been shared with the complaint. Mona stressed in her statement that "my character is spotless, and all those campaigning against it will face the music."... She also said that the footage was sent over whatsapp to several notable journalists.
A wave of Similar Attacks on Celebrities
This episode fits into a broader pattern of similar character assassination attempts against Pakistani influencers, such as Imsha Rehman, Mathira Mohammad, Minahil Malik, Maryam Faisal, and Kanwal Aftab. The victims have come forward to deny the claims, and the majority of these recordings are fraudulent.
Call for Action Against Online Harassment
The case of Mona Alam emphasizes the growing need for more stringent measures to combat character assassination and cyberbullying. Such efforts represent serious risks to both personal and professional reputations as social media usage continues to rise. Public debates over accountability and the necessity of better cybercrime prevention measures in pakistan have been spurred by this persistent problem.