A Hidden camera was discovered in the changing room of an MRI center in Malviya Nagar, bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. This terrible occurrence has come to light. On the angled ceiling of the changing room, a woman who had come for an MRI examination noticed a cell phone capturing her. The woman told her husband right away. There was a disturbance there after that.
Police locked the changing area and took the alleged employee into custody.
The cops have locked the changing room and taken the alleged employee into custody. To determine the scope of the recording, the cell phone has been submitted for forensic analysis.
After the event, there was a lot of noise.
There was a commotion at the MRI center following the revelation of this occurrence. At the MRI facility, the victim woman's relatives caused a commotion. After being notified, the police arrived and intervened in some way to calm the situation. The accused was then the target of action.
Other employees are being questioned by police.
In an effort to determine how long this abuse has been occurring, the police are now investigating additional staff. The security and privacy of Bhopal's medical facilities were seriously called into doubt by this occurrence.