In Chennai, actress pooja hegde has started filming a new scene for the much awaited movie "Thalapathy 69." She posted on social media to let her fans know how excited she was. pooja shared a calm scene from the set with the title, "Chennai Mornings Day 16," disclosing her early morning start time of 6:30 a.m.
Hegde and Vijay work together on screen for the first time in "Thalapathy 69." The next movie marks an important turning point in Vijay's illustrious career. The film, which is being produced by venkat K. Narayana under the auspices of KVN Productions and directed by H. Vinoth, is expected to be a magnificent homage to Vijay's legacy. Now, she confirmed she completed the shooting for her portions with a photo and she showcased the feet of herself and actor Vijay as you can see above.

In addition to gautham Vasudev Menon, Prakash Raj, Narain, Priyamani, Mamitha Baiju, Monisha Blessy, and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, the film's main actors include Vijay, pooja hegde, and bobby Deol. It is anticipated to be the studio's debut tamil production and Vijay's last movie before he enters politics.
Vijay will portray a suspended police officer who regains his authority for a specific operation, according to information from a person close to the production. In october 2025, "Thalapathy 69" will be released in theaters worldwide in a number of languages, including tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.


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