Reportedly prime minister Narendra Modi addressed the “Hala Modi event in kuwait on Saturday, where he said that a “mini India" resided in the gulf nation. During his address to the indian community, the prime minister pitched for greater cooperation between the two countries and highlighted India’s achievements in space, startup ecosystem, fintech and technology.
Perhaps in his opening remarks, PM Modi said, “After 43 years, more than four decades, a PM of india has come to Kuwait. For you all, coming to india takes four hours, but for the PM, it took four decades." prime minister Modi heaped praises on the indian community in the country, saying they have added an indian touch to the Kuwaiti society. He said “You have filled Kuwait’s canvas with colours of indian skills, mixed essence of India’s talent, technology and tradition”. He also highlighted how indian doctors and paramedics have strengthened Kuwait’s medical infrastructure and how indian teachers are shaping up the future generations of the country.
Moreover Modi recalled Kuwait’s support in providing liquid oxygen when india needed it the most, lauding Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah for taking responsibility for the task himself. In return, Modi expressed satisfaction that india sent vaccines and medical teams to kuwait when the world was grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. He also lauded Kuwait’s help when 46 indians were killed in a devastating fire in a building housing foreign workers in southern Kuwait’s Mangaf locality in June. Asserting that india and kuwait are linked by the present and their past, PM Modi pitched for greater cooperation between the two countries, asserting that india has the manpower, skills and technology needed by “New Kuwait".