Taliban fighters wreaked havoc in Pakistan!
The Defense Ministry of afghanistan said on saturday (December 28, 2024) that the Taliban force has targeted several places in neighboring Pakistan. This action was taken a few days after the air strike by Pakistan. According to news agency Reuters, the Defense Ministry statement did not name pakistan, but said that the attacks were carried out "beyond the imaginary line". This is a term used by Afghan officials to refer to the border with Pakistan.
Which area of pakistan did the Taliban attack?
The ministry said, "Several places beyond the imaginary line have been targeted in retaliation from the south-eastern direction of the country. These places were serving as centers and hiding places for malicious elements and their supporters who organize and coordinate attacks in Afghanistan." When asked if the statement mentioned pakistan, ministry spokesman Inayatullah Khowarazmi said, "We do not consider it Pakistan's territory, so we cannot confirm the area, but it was on the other side of the imaginary line."
How many people died in the Taliban attack
In fact, Afghanistan has for decades rejected the border, known as the Durand Line. This line was drawn in the 19th century by british colonial officials through the mountainous and chaotic tribal area between present-day afghanistan and Pakistan. Pro-Taliban media outlet Hurriyat Daily news quoted ministry sources as saying that 19 Pakistani soldiers were killed in the attacks and three Afghan civilians were killed in the violence.
The Taliban had vowed to take revenge
The Taliban regime did not give any details of the casualties or the targeted areas. At the same time, the Pakistani army's public relations wing and the foreign ministry spokesman have also not responded to this. Afghan officials warned on wednesday that they would retaliate after the Pakistani bombing. pakistan had said that it had targeted hideouts of Islamic terrorists on the border.