Union minister Jitan ram Manjhi in Gaya on sunday once again targeted Lalu Yadav and Tejashwi Yadav. On Lalu Yadav's statement that Sanghis and Bhaipais hate the names 'Jai Siyaram, jai Sitaram', Jitan ram Manjhi said that he is famous for speaking absurd things. Few people understand his absurd language. If there was a talk of opposition to women in Jan Sangh, bjp or nda, then there are many schemes in which women have been given special preference.
'NDA is committed to taking women forward'
Jitan ram Manjhi said that we started the Yashaswini Yojana. Schemes have been started for women at par with men. When the slogan of jai Shri ram is raised, we say ram, then Sita is also involved in it. Since they do not have any issue, they do not have any policy. When there is no work, nonsense comes up. The truth is that nda people are committed to take women forward like men in schemes and programs. What is Nitish's giving stipend to women in Bihar? All this is respect for women. When Indira Awas is built, a bank account is opened in the name of women. This shows respect for women. In this way, PM and nitish kumar and the entire nda people have full respect for women.
At the same time, he said that Lalu prasad Yadav had opposed the appointment of former PM manmohan singh as PM. He said that Lalu Yadav is known for his language style. He had named manmohan singh as Mouniya Baba. He did not know how great a scholar he was. He was a thoughtful person in every way. When india was going through a period of recession, but manmohan Singh's economic policy was such that it saved it. He was born in Pakistan. He also took strong action against Pakistan. He was an all-rounder leader.