Actress pooja hegde says she has a special place in her heart for her role in the upcoming movie "Retro," which stars Suriya. The stars announced the gangster drama's title on their own social media profiles on Wednesday, Christmas. Suriya took to X, where he shared the title teaser and wrote: “Merry christmas Dear All #Retro Summer 2025. Meet you all soon!@karthiksubbaraj @hegdepooja @C_I_N_E_M_A_A @Music_Santhosh @kshreyaas (sic)."

Pooja took to her Instagram, where she shared the link to the teaser and wrote: “This character has a piece of my heart. #RETRO A love story on adrenaline".

The movie was previously known as Suriya 44 since it was the actor's 44th picture. A glimpse into the grim world of "Retro" is provided by the two-minute teaser. The two performers are seated on the banks of a ghat at the beginning. pooja, who portrayed Suriya's romantic interest, puts a holy ring on his wrist while posing as a country girl.
After then, Suriya can be heard stating, "I'll manage my fury. I'm going to put it all behind me now. I'll make an effort to be joyful and smile. According to your words, Dhammam, love is the reason I am here. unadulterated love.
However, pooja hegde gets trolled for her looks as some of them called her 'Lady Vaiyapuri', and some even compared her with male actors in lady getup and shared posts on social media.

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