This year, the rising bollywood star varun dhawan worked on two different movies with two prominent South indian women. varun put a lot of effort into these two projects, but they both flopped spectacularly. varun has been trying to grow his brand and make progress in Bollywood.
He had an appearance in samantha Ruth Prabhu's online series "Citadel Honey Bunny." The action thriller received terrible reviews from reviewers and negative responses from viewers when it debuted on amazon Prime in november of this year. The show didn't work at all. samantha thus received a failing grade in 2024.
It's interesting to note that samantha only made an appearance in this project in 2024, and it was a failure.
Varun Dhawan's final movie, Baby John, turned out to be one of the worst letdowns in recent memory, making his year even more terrible. Keerthy suresh made his bollywood debut in the movie. Additionally, it was the first movie she released following her marriage to Antony, her lover. The bollywood tryst Keerthy suresh had with "Baby John" ended badly.
Following their relationships with varun dhawan, Keerthy suresh and samantha both had tragedies in hindi this year.
He had an appearance in samantha Ruth Prabhu's online series "Citadel Honey Bunny." The action thriller received terrible reviews from reviewers and negative responses from viewers when it debuted on amazon Prime in november of this year. The show didn't work at all. samantha thus received a failing grade in 2024.
It's interesting to note that samantha only made an appearance in this project in 2024, and it was a failure.
Varun Dhawan's final movie, Baby John, turned out to be one of the worst letdowns in recent memory, making his year even more terrible. Keerthy suresh made his bollywood debut in the movie. Additionally, it was the first movie she released following her marriage to Antony, her lover. The bollywood tryst Keerthy suresh had with "Baby John" ended badly.
Following their relationships with varun dhawan, Keerthy suresh and samantha both had tragedies in hindi this year.