The film majili marked a turning point in their professional and personal narratives. While samantha and naga chaitanya played the lead, divyansha kaushik stepped into a significant role as the second female lead. Interestingly, sobhita dhulipala was originally cast for this part and even participated in the initial shoot. However, her departure from the project under unexplained circumstances paved the way for Divyansha’s casting. Rumors suggest that it was during the early stages of majili that naga chaitanya first met sobhita dhulipala, an encounter that would gain significance later. After his separation from samantha, naga chaitanya reportedly entered a long-term relationship with Sobhita, sparking widespread speculation about their connection.
In a twist of fate, samantha has now reportedly been offered an opportunity to collaborate with Sobhita for an upcoming Netflix series. This potential project has sparked curiosity, considering the intertwined histories of all involved. If samantha accepts the role, it would mark a professional collaboration layered with personal complexities, given the dynamics with her former partner and Sobhita. Fans and the industry alike are keenly watching to see how samantha navigates this situation, as her decision could lead to an intriguing narrative, both on-screen and off.