Whenever you pay online, the platform frequently asks if you want your card to be kept so that future payments may be made automatically.
You should stay away from this.
Cybercriminals have become so prevalent in today's world that one error might wipe out your whole bank account. You must use caution in all matters about your bank account in such a circumstance. The level of caution rises even further when using a credit card or an ATM. Actually, these have a direct bearing on your bank account, so making a mistake with them might have serious consequences. Now let's reveal the number, which the RBI has also instructed to be hidden or erased from the card.
Which Number to Erase?
Every credit card or ATM you own will undoubtedly have a three-digit CVV number. Card Verification Value is the name given to this figure. Every time you pay anyplace, this number is needed since without it, your card won't be validated. In this case, your bank account may be completely depleted if this number plus the card details end up in the hands of a scammer.
This is the rationale for the RBI's recommendation that you always conceal the CVV number on your card, or if at all feasible, write it down and remove it from the card. in order to prevent someone from using your card and draining your bank account in the event that it is misplaced or ends up in the wrong hands.

Avoid saving the card as well
In addition, don't save your card anyplace if you wish to prevent online fraud. Actually, a lot of the time when you pay online, the platform asks if you want your card to be saved so that you may complete the purchase fast later. You have to say no in such a circumstance. This is due to the fact that your card information will not be protected if the platform is not secure. For this reason, experts advise against saving your card on any pointless platforms when you purchase online.


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