Air india launches wifi services..!?

air india has given the news to those who travel frequently. air india has announced that it will introduce a facility to provide internet services so that there is no interruption during the journey on the plane. This will not only be convenient for those who travel frequently but will also help them complete their wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital work. With new captains, air india is launching its WiFi services on domestic and international routes in india and Australia, making it the first indian airline to offer such services. With WiFi services, passengers will be able to start their work from home in the air. Another special feature of this facility is that they can connect to the internet even at an altitude of ten thousand feet above the ground.
The introduction of WiFi services is being described as another important step in air India's expansion. This will not only increase competition in the aviation sector but will also improve the passenger experience. By making these services more widely available soon, indian airlines will have taken another step in the aviation sector. In the wake of air india announcing its WiFi services, it has now become interesting to see what IndiGo, which plays a key role in domestic air services will decide. How will these services be provided so far? If we look for the answer to the question, it is said that it will work based on satellite connectivity. Initially, these services will be launched in international airports like New York, London, Paris, and Singapore. They will be introduced in Airbus A350, A321 Neo, and Boeing 787-9 aircraft. It is said that it will be made available in domestic services in the later stages.

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