Top 10 Mutual Funds to Invest in 2025..!!

New investors who want to invest in mutual funds will think a lot about which scheme to choose. Funds that have given high returns in the past will be considered. Some people choose a scheme by asking friends and relatives. However, it is difficult to predict the future returns of schemes recommended by others. And long-term performance cannot be known. Also, sometimes mutual funds from the same category give higher returns. Analysts have recommended the 10 best schemes for new mutual fund investors in 2025. Two schemes were selected from each of the five categories. Those who want to get good profits in the long run can choose these.

Mutual Funds has selected the top 10 funds. Instead of a single category, two schemes have been selected from 5 categories. Let's now take a look at these top 10 mutual funds from the Aggressive Hybrid, Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, and Flexi Cap categories.
Top 10 Mutual Funds to Invest in 2025: Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund, Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund, Parag Parik Flexi Cap Fund, UTI Flexi Cap Fund, Axis Mid Cap Fund, Kotak Emerging Equity Fund, Axis Small Cap Fund, sbi Small Cap Fund, sbi Equity Hybrid Fund, Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity Fund.

For those who are new to equity mutual funds, before investing in this scheme, you should carefully examine whether these are suitable for you or not. You should decide after knowing about the type of investment strategy, risk, objective, etc. Having a hybrid portfolio is less risky. This is a good option for those who want to grow their wealth in the long term without facing much uncertainty.

Flexicap funds invest in different categories or sectors rather than one category. The sectors and market cap are determined by the fund manager's assessments. They choose those that are moving in an uptrend. Investors can choose smallcap and midcap funds to take smallcap and midcap risks and get higher returns.

Although the risk is very high in these, the returns are also high. Midcap schemes invest in stocks of medium-sized companies. While smallcap schemes invest in smallcap stocks. The selection will be based on market value.

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