Certain indian villages attract international visitors for purposes more than simple tourism. Some tourists visit these communities for very different reasons, but most come to enjoy the culture, hills, and natural beauty. Some foreign ladies reportedly travel to these areas to become pregnant.
In several indian communities, foreign visitors arrive for purposes other than tourism.
This may surprise you.
Although some people visit these communities for various purposes, others do so to take in the culture, hills, and natural beauty. The villagers themselves admit that some foreign women travel to these communities to become pregnant.

In several Ladakh settlements, this is the situation. Indeed, it is well known that settlements near the LOC, on the banks of the sindhu River, are a popular destination for foreign women.
The Brokpa tribe, who are thought to have pure aryan blood, live in these settlements. The region is also known as the "Aryan Valley," and they are regarded as the last remaining Aryans.
Under such circumstances, foreign women come here to become pregnant and stay for a while in order to have children of aryan genetic heritage.
Locals say they have witnessed women come here with this goal, according to media reports. However, the locals have rejected these accusations as just tales in interviews with certain YouTubers.

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