Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor had a fantastic year in 2024 after making a triumphant comeback to the big screen as the fierce mystery lady in stree 2. In addition to winning people over, the horror comedy, which also starred Rajkummar Rao, broke box office records. Fans were blown away by Shraddha and Raj's endearing on-screen chemistry, and they were astounded by Akshay Kumar, varun Dhawan, and tamannaah Bhatia's unexpected appearances.
However, more than four months have passed since the release of stree 2, and internet users are now anxiously awaiting Shraddha's next film. The star has stated that she has signed three new projects, much to the surprise of her fans. Shraddha revealed in a recent conversation with Aaj Tak that she has signed three film deals, however, she hasn't made the announcement yet. "2-3 filmein maine confirm ki hain," she said.

Lekin formally announces that nahi ki hai. "Yes," Shraddha said when the interviewer inquired if we would learn more in early 2025. For those who have missed seeing the actor on screen, this is undoubtedly fantastic news. Nonetheless, a large number of internet users have made it apparent that they have low hopes for Shraddha and her next movies.

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