Being an extremely outgoing person, samantha Ruth Prabhu often updates her admirers on the many events in her life. She wrote an odd affirmation for the year 2025 in her most recent post, which has already drawn notice. samantha posted a photo of herself from one of her international travels to her instagram stories. She donned an overcoat and beanie and flashed her back to the camera. She added, "Mood for 2025!!" on top of it. "Let's go," she captioned it.

She also attached the lyrics of a song in her post, which seemed to pretty much sum up her feelings and affirmations aptly for the new year 2025. It read as, “To know me is to love me; I must be the hell of a man. Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, but I’m doin’ the best I can.”

The Citadel: Honey bunny actress appears to have made a concerted effort to start 2025 off on a positive note.
To give her admirers a glimpse of how she spent the first day of the year, the diva, for example, posted a photo of herself on her instagram account on january 2.
Before praying, she was spotted lighting a candle close to the altar while standing inside a gorgeously decorated church. samantha put her hair up in a ponytail and wore a beautiful gray topcoat.
She also wrote, "Day 1, 2025," as she considered the beautiful, serene, and treasured New Year's day.

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