Well-known actors Sreeleela and Nikhil siddharth warned against the abuse of social media to promote false information in an attempt to get likes and views. Nikhil published a video explaining the idea of "Post No Evil," a government initiative in andhra pradesh that responsibly encourages social media usage.

"We make sure to research everything before making a purchase. However, why don't we verify the veracity of the news we post on social media? 'What’s the harm?' is a common thought that leads us to disseminate bogus news recklessly. But these false reports have the power to ruin lives. Therefore, please make sure that whatever you post is true before sharing it.

Under the motto "Let’s use social media for good, and put an end to fake news and abuse," the government of andhra pradesh has set up sizable hoardings throughout the state's largest cities. Together with the three classic monkeys that symbolize the proverb "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," these hoardings also include a fourth monkey that reads, "Don’t post evil (Post No Evil)." The campaign is gaining traction.
To get likes and views, Sreeleela advised internet users to refrain from disseminating false information. She advocated avoiding damaging misinformation and utilizing social media for positive purposes. Her statement swiftly gained popularity after being shared with her millions of instagram followers. It is anticipated that other well-known celebrities will soon join this effort to increase awareness of the risks associated with false material on the internet.

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