Director Sudipto Sen's controversial film The kerala Story, which stirred political debates, faced bans, and sparked legal and civil cases, became a box office hit in 2023. Now, the film is being adapted into a book, with a slight change in its title.
The movie, widely known for its provocative narrative about the alleged conversion of girls to islam under the guise of ‘love’ and their subsequent involvement in Kerala's terror networks, will be released as a book titled The Untold kerala Story. The book is already in print and is expected to launch in late january, with availability on e-commerce platforms from january 29. Sen clarified that the book does not focus on islam as a religion or the broader issue of conversion, but rather centers on a specific terror network based in kerala, which has ties to international groups plotting against India’s national integrity.
Sen explained, “There are many aspects left untold in the film, such as how I began working on this topic in 2014 and what sparked my passion to research it. I anticipated a backlash from those whose interests would be threatened by this work.” Reflecting on his journey, he added, “Over eight years, we interviewed 800-1,000 girls, each with their own story. Their testimonies revealed a socio-political reality that the world needs to comprehend.”