On Saturday, a Bengaluru sessions court granted bail to the wife and in-laws of software programmer Atul Subhash, who works in Bengaluru. The 34-year-old Subhash committed himself on december 9 and left behind a statement and video in which he accused his estranged wife and her relatives of mental torment, extortion, and harassment.
Following a quick order from the karnataka High court, Subhash's brother Anurag Singhania, mother nisha Singhania, and wife Nikita Singhania were taken into custody. nisha and Anurag were arrested in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, while Nikita was held in Gurugram.
Subhash said in his suicide note that his wife and her relatives pressured him to take drastic measures by fabricating instances and requesting ₹3 million to resolve disagreements. The pair were married in 2019 and welcomed a kid in 2020.
Charges against the wife and in-laws

Pawan Kumar, Subhash's father, said his four-year-old son suffered in silence and that he wished his parents had custody of him. Additionally, Kumar said that Nikita was treating the kid as a financial asset by making increasing requests for money, which ranged from ₹20,000 to ₹80,000 every month.
Subhash's parents, who say they don't know where he is right now, have applied for custody of their grandson. The case is scheduled to be heard by the supreme court on january 7.
Akash Jindal, Subhash's attorney, criticized the bail given to the accused, claiming that the offense called for more stringent court scrutiny. A habeas corpus petition has been filed to find the youngster, he added, raising worries about the purported use of the child's custody as leverage.

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