Tamil filmmaker shankar has been going through a difficult time, and his most recent film, indian 2, increased the expectation on him to return with a bang. However, tamil actor Ajith's Vidaamuyarchi was posing a threat to his next movie, Game Changer starring ram Charan. shankar is really relieved that Vidaamuyarchi has been formally postponed, particularly because the tamil market opening is so important to him. 

As a well-known brand, shankar might expect for a better opening day given that a big celebrity has dropped out of the pongal competition. Now there are several YouTube videos claiming that shankar indirectly pressurized LYCA to postpone the movie as they are also the producers of 'Indian 3'. shankar is in a must-win situation after he faced several brickbats for 'Indian 2'. Now, due to this, shankar is walking on a tight rope and if he fails, he will definitely face a huge fall in his career.

Unless anything unexpected happens, Game Changer will make the most of tamil Nadu's holiday season if it gets good reviews. Game Changer might launch 2025 with the first pan-Indian hit starring ram Charan if shankar succeeds in spite of all difficulties. Can he do that? We shall see.

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