Manjinder Singh Sirsa has been made the candidate from Rajouri Garden by BJP. On getting the ticket, he thanked the party leadership and said that on the strength of hardworking workers, lotus will bloom in Rajouri Garden. He said that the people of delhi want to free themselves from Arvind Kejriwal. Speaking to news agency ANI, Sirsa said, "It is clear that the people of delhi want change this time. They want positive change. They want change for the double engine government. delhi has been in a bad condition for 12 years. people are not getting drinking water. Sewer is blocked. There is filth in the city. yamuna is not being cleaned. Every year kejriwal only makes promises, so people want change. people want to get rid of Kejriwal."
kejriwal ruthlessly looted delhi - Sirsa
Sirsa further said, "When the people want to uproot this government and form a new government, they gave us a chance for that. I am thankful for this. One thing is clear that the people of delhi want to get rid of AAP. AAP has ruined Delhi. kejriwal has ruthlessly looted and ruined delhi with both hands.''
people want to vote for bjp to save their family- Sirsa
The bjp leader said, ''When kejriwal became cm for the first time in 2013, people could sell one plot in delhi and buy three in Gurgaon. gurgaon has progressed in 12 years. If you want to buy a plot in gurgaon, you cannot sell the plot in Delhi. They have ruined it so much and pushed it back. When we met a mother, we asked her if she would vote for us. She said that she will vote to get rid of Arvind Kejriwal. We have to save our generation, so we have to go with Modi ji. They want to support bjp and Modi ji while worrying about their family.''