When she was cast in "Retro" by imaginative filmmaker karthik Subbaraj, who saw her unrealized potential, her career took a radical change. Subbaraj, who is renowned for his audacious storytelling, gave pooja a completely different interpretation. pooja has made a name for herself by captivating viewers with her understated charm and dazzle them with her glitzy on-screen persona.
Speaking about her journey, pooja shared, “For me, acting has always been about transformation. I want to push boundaries and challenge myself with every role. It’s not just about looking the part but living it in every frame. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way, and I can’t wait to explore even more diverse roles.”
Pooja's ability to really inhabit her roles is what really makes her stand out. She is one of the most sought-after performers in the business today because she epitomizes sincerity and skillfully strikes a balance between vulnerability and charisma. The actor previously revealed a glimpse of her friendship with bollywood actor varun Dhawan, with whom she has collaborated on his father David Dhawan's upcoming movie.