In ashok Nagar, Delhi, prime minister Narendra Modi spoke to the people while launching a number of projects. However, there was an amusing occurrence that occurred around this time: he had to wait for a while after his teleprompter abruptly stopped for technical reasons. This event emphasizes the value of teleprompters, which are now a necessary tool for many influential persons.

A teleprompter: what is it?
When making speeches, public personalities such as presidents and news anchors utilize a specialized tool called a teleprompter. To make it easier for the speaker to read his remarks without having to look at the paper, this technology shows the writing on the screen. By using this strategy, the speaker appears confident since he is looking straight at the audience.

What is the operation of a teleprompter?
The text is shown on two beam-splitter glasses that make up a teleprompter. Through a monitor, text is projected onto these glasses, which are positioned at a 45-degree angle. The flat LCD panel on this device enlarges the text so the speaker can read it. The controller controls how fast the text moves.
Teleprompter Types
Leaders like the president use presidential teleprompters, which have a glass screen and a monitor pointing in different directions.

Camera Mounted Teleprompter: This device is perfect for business executives and tv anchors since it also has a camera connected so the speaker can gaze at the camera.

Stand Teleprompter: The performers utilize this tool to provide conversation while remaining unseen during the movie.

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