rashmika mandanna and vijay deverakonda have been the subject of a flurry of unfounded rumors, with false allegations implying that the two celebrities had an abortion. A mysterious and deceptive tweet that swiftly went viral and left followers and spectators perplexed was the source of these rumors. Credible sources, however, have attested to the assertions' complete falsity.

The tweet, shared by a worthless self-proclaimed film critic Umair Sandhu on december 14, 2024, read: "SHOCKING : #RashmikaMandanna did abortion 2 months ago. She was pregnant by #VijayDeverakonda!," accompanied by an intriguing series of emojis. rashmika Mandanna's name and a provocative emblem were added in the message, followed by Vijay Deverakonda's, sparking a flurry of rumors regarding their purported participation in a personal problem. The tweet was immediately analyzed by fans and followers, who made comparisons between the two celebrities.

Most of his tweets are shameless just like the above. The dissemination of false information has angered fans, with many standing up for vijay deverakonda and rashmika mandanna against the unfounded allegations. The tweet's ambiguity and the erroneous inferences made from it have brought attention to the risks associated with trusting unreliable internet accounts.
It is important to remember that neither vijay deverakonda nor rashmika mandanna have addressed these claims, maybe opting to put the lies out of their mouths.

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