Ajith Kumar has taken a brief hiatus from acting to compete in an international racing event after wrapping up the filming of his next films, including Vidaamuyarchi and Good Bad Ugly. ajith Kumar's chat with foreign media during the racing event is currently dominating on social media.
When the reporter questioned ajith kumar about whether his movie commitments were restricting his racing career, ajith kumar opened up and said, “I don’t need to be told what to do and what not to do.” He added that he intends to continue motorsports as a driver and team owner following this racing event. He will only work on movies from october to march before the racing season starts starting this year.

Following this, a lot of people posted their reactions to ajith Kumar's interview on social media, stating that he is now solely focused on his love of racing and that it is evident from the interview that he would be doing less acting in films starting this year. Many admirers were pleased with ajith Kumar's interview because it was his first in decades, while others were saddened by his decision to cut back on his acting in films. Social media users praised the actor's audacious speech in the interview and complimented him on his successful racing career despite the criticism.


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