A young boy and girl were beaten and chained to a tree in Madhubani on suspicion of having an extramarital affair. On social media, the footage of the lovers being beaten is going viral. They can be heard yelling, "Don't post this on social media or else the police will catch you," in the widely shared footage of the beating.
When another incident surfaced, when people took matters into their own hands and punished Talibani, the case of tying a youngster to a pole and beating him had not yet subsided. A young boy and girl were publicly beaten and hung to a tree in a hamlet near the Harlakhi police station on suspicion of having an affair. On social media, the video of this event is quickly becoming viral.

According to the story, the girl and the guy are both minors and from the same village. The locals severely thrashed them once they were discovered in an unsavory state. In the village, the kid was tied to a tree using a tractor's rotavator, while the female was beaten while also tied to a tree. They were both severely beaten after this.

Another video shows a boy striking a female with a stick while chasing her. The girl's attackers recorded the event on camera and shared it online, sparking a variety of conversations around the hamlet. Both the girl and the kid are considered juveniles by the locals. SHO Jitendra Sahni stated that he is looking into the situation but has not received any complaints in this respect. While the video is becoming viral, the police are now awaiting the complaint.


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