According to the Times of india, a public sector bank employee in hyderabad tragically passed away on Thursday. Koti Satyalavanya, the victim, was 32 years old and employed as an assistant manager at the bank of india branch in Bachupally. She supposedly couldn't handle the strain of her job, so she took the drastic measure.
She went to work as normal on Thursday, but in the afternoon, she went back to her residence in Bachupally's Harithavanam colony and attempted suicide. Her family members hurried her to the hospital as soon as they realized this, but upon arrival, they pronounced her dead.

It's unclear if Satylavanya was given permission to quit her job, but she and her husband, who are from Pithapuram, Andhra Pradesh, intended to take some time off to visit their hometown.
According to her uncle ARSV Prasad, who talked to the media, she frequently discussed the mounting strain at work with him.
According to a bachupally police officer, an investigation is underway and a case has been filed following her uncle's allegation.

Leading CEO's statement about the 90-hour workweek:
This occurs against the backdrop of a simmering issue in which CEOs and private corporations are calling for their employees to work longer and more difficult hours. The chairman of Larsen & Toubro, SN Subrahmanyam, recommended that workers put in 90 hours a week, including Sundays.
Subrahmanyam stated, "I would be happier if I could get you to work on Sundays," during a staff meeting. since I also work on Sundays. This is also comparable to the contentious statement made by Infosys founder Narayanmurthy on the 70-hour work week. In india, this has spurred discussions on work-life balance.

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