A novel fraud was uncovered by bihar police, wherein unsuspecting males were offered Rs 5 lakh in return for conceiving barren women. police in the Nawada district apprehended prince Raj, Bhola Kumar, and rahul Kumar after busting the group on Friday.

Under the pretense of "All india Pregnant job (Baby Birth Service)" and "Playboy Service," the scammers were enticing victims with phone calls and demanding money.
In several indian states, the gang has cheated a large number of individuals. The authorities are attempting to determine how many people have been defrauded thus far.

The authorities said that the scammers used whatsapp or the phone to contact victims in other locations. Successfully impregnating these infertile ladies was the task at hand. With the bogus promise of an extra Rs 50,000 in case the process failed, they pledged to reimburse Rs 5 lakh.
The group would then demand online registration fees ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 20,000 if the victims showed interest.
The defendants who were apprehended actively participated in seduction. Six smartphones have been seized by the police from the people who were arrested.

Police have begun mapping the gang's whole network after finding damning information such as phone records, whatsapp images, audio recordings, and transaction data.

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