Another virus has sparked alarm in Maharashtra's Buldhana district amid the HMPV virus threat that has spread throughout the nation's states. The name of the virus was 'Takla.' Buldhana's residents are afraid of the deadly disease.
People began going bald within three days of contracting the virus, which led to its naming as the Takla virus. The number of people experiencing hair loss began to increase once the alleged virus gained popularity, and the outbreak has many locals in a state of panic.

According to reports, the virus has infected several local communities. According to locals, the sickness has been quickly spreading for the past 10 to 12 days. About 15 villages in the Shegaon tehsil in the Buldhana district are afflicted by this uncommon ailment, according to media sources.
Hingna, Bondgaon, Bhota, and Pahur Purna are among the impacted villages, where a considerable number of people are becoming sick. The illness that causes fast hair loss has been called the "Takala Virus."

It is thought that the condition begins with scalp itching, while definitive information on its symptoms is still lacking. The hair starts to fall out gradually, and the entire head is bald in about six days. Hair may be easily pulled out in certain situations. This illness also affects women, children, and the elderly.
Numerous cases of hair loss have prompted the health department to issue a notice. The agency has carried out a survey to look into the illness's etiology in response to the concerns. Water samples from the impacted towns are currently being tested by health officials to look for any pollution.

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