Taking cognizance of this incident, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath has directed the officials to safely evacuate the people trapped in the debris and ensure their proper treatment. State minister of State for Social Welfare (Independent Charge) Asim Arun also reached the spot. State government officials said that State Relief Commissioner bhanu Chandra Goswami is in touch with the Kannauj district administration for all possible help in the relief work.
Northeast Railway Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) Pankaj Kumar Singh said in a statement issued after the accident that a three-member high-level committee has been constituted to investigate the incident at Kannauj railway station. The investigation team will include Chief engineer / Planning and Design, Additional Divisional Railway Manager / Izzatnagar and Chief Security Commissioner / Railway Protection Force. The CPRO said that the workers injured in this incident are being properly treated in the hospital. The minor injured in the incident will be given an amount of Rs 50,000 and the seriously injured will be given an amount of Rs 2 lakh 50 thousand.
SP chief expressed grief over the accident
Meanwhile, Samajwadi party (SP) president and former UP chief minister and Kannauj mp akhilesh yadav has expressed deep grief over the accident caused by the collapse of the lintel of the building under construction at the railway station. Wishing the injured a speedy recovery, akhilesh yadav has demanded the government to arrange for proper treatment and relief work. The SP chief alleged that "negligence was shown in taking safety precautions during the construction work. This incident has happened due to the negligence of the government. Our demand is that the workers should remain healthy, they should get good treatment, their lives should be saved."