Case registered against venkatesh and rana Daggubati..!?

hyderabad police have registered a case against actors venkatesh and rana daggubati for illegally demolishing the hotel. The police have registered a case against venkatesh and rana Daggubati, who are set to release tomorrow on the occasion of the pongal festival. The police have registered a case against not only venkatesh Daggubati but also his nephew rana Daggubati, producer Rana's father Suresh, and his brother Abhiram. The Daggubati family has leased their properties in film nagar to Nandakumar. Following this, nandakumar has been running a hotel in the leased place under the name nandakumar Deccan Kitchen. This is the situation where there has been a difference of opinion between nandakumar and the Daggubati family. Due to this, they have asked for the return of the land given to them. However, nandakumar did not return it. Due to this, there has been an argument between the two parties.
Venkatesh Daggubati and rana Daggubati, who reached the peak of anger, illegally demolished the hotel on the leased place. Following this, nandakumar filed a petition in the court. In the petition he filed, he stated that he had illegally seized and illegally demolished the properties in the jubilee hills area. He also mentioned in the petition that he has suffered a loss of up to Rs. 20 crore due to this. Based on the petition filed by nandakumar, the local court that heard the case has ordered the registration of a case against venkatesh and rana daggubati and two others involved in the matter. Based on that, the hyderabad police have registered a case.
However, nandakumar is not new to legal controversies. Before this, he was involved in the Rashtriya Samithi MLAs case in 2022. The hyderabad municipal corporation-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>greater hyderabad municipal corporation demolished some parts of the hotel built on the land leased by nandakumar and the nearby structures, stating that these were unauthorized places. While this incident has been going on for many years, now at its peak, a case has been registered against venkatesh and rana daggubati for their involvement in the shop demolition incident.

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