The Katghar region is where the tragedy occurred. Four years ago, a Hindu girl from this area met Asif, who lived in Imlakh village. Asif declared his love for her and his intention to wed her. At first, the girl declined, claiming that their respective beliefs are different. Asif continued to pursue her even after this. The girl later fell into his trap. He took the girl to Haridwar and feigned a Hindu conversion to gain her trust.
The sole goal is to establish a rapport.
He later began talking about marriage with the girl and engaging in physical contact. He used to put off getting married whenever the girl brought it up, promising to do it later. He had sexual contact with the girl at this period, which resulted in her being pregnant. In the past, he performed her abortion. He put pressure on the girl to be married and refused to get an abortion when she found out she was pregnant again on december 20.
I told you lie
The boy then assaulted her and declined to adopt the child. He admitted to the girl that he had lied to her to trick her. All he wanted was to be in a relationship with a girl who was Hindu. In this instance, the girl has also claimed that she is being pressured to convert to islam by Asif's family. Asif has been taken into custody by the police and is now in jail.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from inkhabar. india Herald neither claims nor supports or takes responsibility for this information.